Formerly known as


Under administrative support of Pimpri Chinchwad Education Trust (PCET)

AICTE Approved | Permanently Affiliated to (DBATU ID-6419), Lonere | Approved by Govt. of Maharashtra
ISO 21001:2018 Certified

Graphics & Multimedia- Co-ordinator

Prof. Vivek Nagargoje, NCER

Name: Prof.Vivek Nagargoje
Designation: Assistant Professor
Qualification: BE (IT) ME (Computer Engineering)
Experience: 12 Years
Area of Interest: Information Security, Network management and Administration
Publication: 04
Conference: 3
International Conference: 1

This degree will teach you multiple aspects of animation and multimedia skills such as 2D and 3D animation, Graphic Design, Audio and Video Editing, 3D Modeling, Maya, 3D Motion Graphics & VFX, Advanced Modeling with Z-Brush and much more by qualified experts from the industry.
The B.Voc in Graphics & Multimedia degree course is designed to create skilled graphic design, multimedia and animation specialists introducing in each semester, thus combining theory with practical training and making it one of the best multimedia degree courses
Vocation (B.Voc.) Degree with multiple exits such as Certificate/Diploma/Advanced Diploma/ Degree under the NSQF. The B.Voc. programme is focused on universities and colleges providing undergraduate studies which would also incorporate specific job roles and their NOSs alongwith broad based general education. This would enable the graduates completing B.Voc. to make a meaningful participation in accelerating India’s economy by gaining appropriate employment, becoming entrepreneurs and creating appropriate knowledge.

1. Objectives:

  1. To provide judicious mix of skills relating to a profession and appropriate content of General Education.
  2. To provide flexibility to the students by means of pre-defined entry and multiple exit points.
  3. To integrate NSQF within the undergraduate level of higher education in order to enhance employability of the graduates and meet industry requirements. Such graduates apart from meeting the needs of local and national industry are also expected to be equipped to become part of the global workforce
  4. To provide vertical mobility to students coming out of 10+2 with vocational subjects

2. Levels of Awards:
The certification levels will lead to Diploma/Advanced Diploma/B. Voc. Degree in one or more vocational areas and will be offered under the aegis of the University.

This is out-lined in the table below:

Award Duration


Corresponding NSQF level

Diploma 1 year 5
Advance Diploma 2 years 6
B. Voc. Degree 3 years 7

3. Eligibility for admission in B.Voc :
The eligibility condition for admission to B.Voc. programme shall be 10+2 or equivalent, in any stream.

4. Curriculum :
The curriculum in each of the years of the programme would be a suitable mix of general education and skill development components.

5. Skill Development Components:

  • The focus of skill development components shall be to equip students with appropriate knowledge, practice and attitude, so as to become work ready. The skill development components should be relevant to the industries as per their requirements.
  • The curriculum should necessarily embed within itself, National Occupational Standards (NOSs) of specific job roles within the industry sector(s). This would enable the students to meet the learning outcomes specified in the NOSs.
  • The overall design of the skill development component along with the job roles selected should be such that it leads to a comprehensive specialization in one or two domains
  • In case NOS is not available for a specific area / job role, the university/college should get the curriculum for this developed in consultation with industry experts.
  • The curriculum should also focus on work-readiness skills in each of the three years.
  • Adequate attention needs to be given in curriculum design to practical work, on the job training, development of student portfolios and project work.

6. General Education Component:

  • The general education component should adhere to the normal university standards.
  • It should emphasize and offer courses which provide holistic development.
  • However, it should not exceed 40% of the total curriculum
  • Adequate emphasis should be given to language and communication skills.

The suggested credits for each of the years are as follows:

NSQF Level

Skill Component Credits

General Education Credits

Normal Calendar Duration

Exit Points/Awards

Year 1 36 24 Two Semesters Diploma
Year 2 36 24 Four Semesters Advanced Diploma
Year 3 36 24 Six Semesters B. Voc. Degree
Total 108 72 - -