Computer Science & Engineering (Artificial Intelligence)
Artificial Intelligence is broad branch of Computer Science.
Artificial intelligence is a technology and science based on disciplines such as Psychology, Computer Science, Biology, Mathematics, Linguistics, and Engineering. A major thrust to Artificial intelligence is the development of computer functions associated with human Intelligence, such as learning, reasoning and problem solving.
The goal of AI is to create a system that can function intelligently and independently.
Current Uses of AI are E-Mail Filtering, Personalization, Fraud Detection, and Speech Reorganization. Stimulating higher Function of human brain, programming of a computer to use general language, randomness and creativity these advancement in AI and its impressive computational power has already led to the concept of supercomputers and beyond.
An important part of it is that artificial intelligence and related technologies such as drones, robots, and autonomous vehicles can create around tens of millions of jobs over the next decade.
Artificial intelligence is very useful in all industries as more research is being done to advance it.