Sr.No | Title of paper | Name of the author/s | Department of the teacher | Name of journal | Year of publication | ISSN number |
1 | Analysis Scheduled Safety Issues in Cloud Computing | Dr. Lalitkumar Wadhwa, Prasad B. Dhore, Saili H. Sable | Computer Science Engineering | IJSRD - International Journal for Scientific Research & Development | 2018-19 | 2331-0613 |
2 | VIDEO-BASED HUMAN SILHOUETTE AND EXPRESSION IDENTIFICATION: A SURVEY | Sanjeevkumar Angadi, Dr. Suvarna Nandyal | Computer Science Engineering | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RESEARCH AND ANALYTICAL REVIEWS | 2018-19 | E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138 |
3 | Relative Investigation of Machine Learning Algorithms for Performance Analysis on Brain MR Images | Ms.Ashwini.S.Shinde, Dr. Veena.V.Desaib | Computer Science Engineering AI | Procedia Computer Science | 2018-19 | Online ISSN: 1877-0509 |
4 | DETECTION OF STOLEN VEHICLE THROUGH QR CODE | D. Patil, Snehal, S. Lokhande, Kavita Jadhav | Computer Science Engineering AI | International Journal of Technical Innovation in Modern Engineering & Science( IJTIMES) | 2018-19 | e-ISSN : 2455-2585 |
5 | A Medical ChatBot | Mrs. Rashmi Dharwadkar, Dr.Mrs. Neeta A. Deshpande | Computer Science Engineering AI | International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology | 2018-19 |
ISSN(Online) : 2348 - 4470 ISSN : 2348 - 6406 |
6 | Mitigation of Flow Maldistribution in Parallel Microchannel Heat Sink | Vikas Yadav, Ritunesh Kumar, Amitabh Narain | Mechanical Engineering | IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology | 2018-19 | 2156 3950 |
7 | CONDITION MONITORING OF CUTTING TOOL WEAR AND PREDICTION OF SURFACE ROUGHNESS | More S. N. | Mechanical Engineering | International Journal of Advance Engineering and Research Development | 2018-19 |
ISSN(Online) : 2348 - 4470 ISSN : 2348 - 6406 |
8 | Condition Monitoring of Single Point Cutting Tool Wear | More S. N. | Mechanical Engineering | International Journal for Scientific Research and Development | 2018-19 | ISSN Online: 2321 0613 |
9 | SMART SAFETY HELMET | APURVA BONGIRWAR,VISHAL CHILWANTE,OMKAR DARPHALE,AMOL SONAWANE | Electronics and communication engineering | International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts | 2018-19 | ISSN: 2320-2882 |
10 | SMART PARKING SYSTEM | SURESH CHOUDHARY,SAGAR GADE,SHRADDHA ATHARE,AMOL SONAWANE | Electronics and communication engineering | International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts | 2018-19 | ISSN: 2320-2882 |
11 | COMMUNICATION NETWORK FOR SMART GRID | ASHISH V. JAWAKE,AMOL D. SONAWANE | Electronics and communication engineering | International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts | 2018-19 | ISSN: 2320-2882 |
12 | Massive MIMO: Fundamentals and Challenges for 5G | Amol Dattatraya Sonawane, Dattatraya Shankarrao Bormane, Ashish Vilas Jawake | Electronics and communication engineering | International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts | 2018-19 | ISSN: 2320-2882 |
13 | Bio-diesel Non Conventional Source of Energy | More S. N. | Mechanical Engineering | Advanced Research in Computer Science and Technology | 2018-19 | ISSN(Online) : 2347-8446, ISSN(Print) : 2347-9817 |
14 | Pharmabot - A Recommendation on General Medicines– Survey | Rashmi Dharwadkar, Dr. Neeta A. Deshpande | Computer Science Engineering | International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering | 2018-19 | ISSN(Online): 2320-9801 ISSN (Print): 2320-9798 |
15 |
Analysis of Tree structure for Secure Group Communication
Using LKH Approach |
Aparna S. Pande , Yashwant V. Joshi , Manisha Y. Joshi , Lalitkumar Wadhwa |
e-ISSN:0976-5166 p-ISSN:2231-3850 |
16 | 3D Torus Router Architecture For Efficient Network on Chip Design | Ashish A Mulajkar, Govind S Patel, Sanjeet K Sinha , Suman L Tripathi and Sobhit Saxena | Electronics and communication engineering | Think India Journal | 2018-19 | 0971-1260 |
17 | Performance Analysis of various Parameters of Network-on-chip (NoC) for different Topologies | Ashish Mulajkar and Govind Singh Patel | Electronics and communication engineering | Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research | 2018-19 | 2349-5162 |
18 | VC Router Design For Power Efficient Network On Chips | Ashish Mulajkar and Govind Singh Patel | Electronics and communication engineering | Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research | 2018-19 | 2349-5163 |
19 | Design Analysis and Performance Evaluation of Conical Coil in Coil Heat Exchanger | Bhushan Pawar , Dr. Nihar Walimbe ,Prof. Maheshwar M. Chamnalli | Mechanical Engineering | International journal for reaearch in applied science and engineering technology | 2018-19 | ISSN: 2331-9653 |
20 | Review on Health Care Monitoring System | Rahul Pawar, M.M. Sardeshmukh, Sagar Shinde | Computer Science Engineering AI |
International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering |
2018-19 | ISSN : 2347-2693 (Online) |
21 | Smart Drip Irrigation and Fertigation using IOT and WSN |
Vrushali Warkhedkar, M.M. Sardeshmukh , Sagar Shinde |
Computer Science Engineering AI |
International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering |
2018-19 | ISSN : 2347-2693 (Online) |
22 |
Leaf Disease Detection using Digital Image Processing with
SVM Classifier |
Sagar Gaikwad , Sagar Shinde | Computer Science Engineering AI |
International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering |
2018-19 | ISSN : 2347-2693 (Online) |
23 | Review Paper on Leaf Disease Detection using Digital Image Processing with SVM Classifier | Sagar Gaikwad , Sagar Shinde | Computer Science Engineering AI |
International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering |
2018-19 | ISSN : 2347-2693 (Online) |
24 | Performance Analysis of Dense Micro-block Difference and SURF Method for Texture Classification |
Ankita Boni, Sagar Shinde |
Computer Science Engineering AI |
International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering |
2018-19 | ISSN : 2347-2693 (Online) |
25 | Review on Performance Analysis of Dense Micro-block Difference and SURF Method for Texture Classification |
Ankita Boni, Sagar Shinde |
Computer Science Engineering AI |
International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering |
2018-19 | ISSN : 2347-2693 (Online) |
26 | Technological Applications of Internet of Things in Health Monitoring System | Suraj V. Kurde, R. Suguna, Jayant Shimpi, Ashish Mulajkar, Sarla Chimegawe | Electronics and communication engineering | International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering | 2018-19 | ISSN: 2277-3878 |
27 | Identification of Handwritten Complex Mathematical Equations | S Shinde, R Khanna, R Waghulade | Computer Science Engineering AI | I.J. Image, Graphics and Signal Processing | 2018-19 |
ISSN: 2074-9074 (Print) ISSN: 2074-9082 (Online) |
28 | Review of Multi-level Sand screening Machine and Analysis of Vibration mechanism | Swapnil Bandgar, Dnyaneshwar Chate, Vijay Dongare, Dipak Mirpagar | Mechanical Engineering | International Journal of Advance Research and Innovative Ideas in Education | 2018-19 | ISSN 2395-4396 (Online) |
29 | Design and Experimental Analysis of Oil Pump Rotor for Improving its Efficiency in I. C. Engine | Vishal Birajdar, Sameer Mahamandre,Dr. M. R. Dharme, Ankush Biradar | Mechanical Engineering | International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology | 2018-19 | ISSN (Online): 2319-8753 ISSN (Print) : 2347-6710 |
30 | A Review on Design and Manufacturing of Portable Sanitary Napkins Disposal Incinerator | Ranjit V. Navale, Madhura Mane, Pratiksha Alam, Shalaka Bachche, S. N. Khetre | Mechanical Engineering | International Journal of Research in Engineering, Science and Management | 2018-19 | ISSN (Online): 2581-5792 |
31 | A Review on Design & Analysis of All Terrain Vehicle Chassis | Shubham S. Kapadne, Ajay S. Anap, Nikhil K. Jagdale, Aditya B. Bhutada, Subhash N. Khetre | Mechanical Engineering | International Journal of Research in Engineering, Science and Management | 2018-19 | ISSN (Online): 2581-5792 |
32 | Secure and Optimized Data Sharing Model Group in Healthcare Cloud Environment | Uma Hombal, Dayananda R.B. | Computer Science Engineering | International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE) | 2019-20 | ISSN: 2278-3075 |
33 | Emotion classification and frequency domain parameters of speech signal for the expression of prosody in synthetic speech | Miss Ashwini S Shinde, India Patil, Mr Sachin S.(Electronics and Tele commutation, ADCET,Ashta / Shivaji University Kolhapur | Computer Science Engineering AI | Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (IOSR-JEEE) | 2019-20 | e-ISSN: 2278-1676, p-ISSN: 2320-3331 |
34 | Performance intensification of regeneration process for non-corrosive plastic plate vertical falling film tower | Kumar R., Patil D., Xiao F., Tao L | Mechanical Engineering | Applied Thermal engineering (ELSEVIER) | 2019-20 | Print ISSN: 1359-4311 Online ISSN: 1873-5606 |
35 | Review on Performance Analysis of Dense Micro-block Difference and SURF Method for Texture Classification | Ankita Boni, Sagar Shinde | Computer Science Engineering AI |
International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering |
2019-20 | 2347-2693 |
36 | Cloud Computing Environment: Benefits and Challenges | Uma Hombal | Computer Science Engineering | International Journal of Future Generation Communication and Networking | 2019-20 | ISSN: 2233-7857 (Online) |
37 | Concurrent removal of heat transfer and mass flow rate nonuniformities in parallel channels of microchannel heat sink | R Kumar, V Yadav, RS Abiev | Mechanical Engineering | Theoretical Foundations of Chemical Engineering (Springer) | 2019-20 |
Electronic ISSN 1608-3431, Print ISSN 0040-5795 |
38 |
Dr. Prashant Kumbharkar, Prasad Dhore, Dr. Yogesh Sharma | Computer Science Engineering | International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science | 2019-20 | ISSN:2582-5208 |
39 | A review on object detection and tracking in video surveillance | Sanjeevkumar Angadi, Suvarna Nandyal | Computer Science Engineering | International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering and Technology | 2020-21 | ISSN:-2349-2819 |
40 | Human identification system based on spatial and temporal features in the video surveillance system | Sanjeevkumar Angadi, Suvarna Nandyal | Computer Science Engineering | International Journal of Ambient Computing and Intelligence (IJACI) | 2020-21 | ISSN: 1941-6237 |
41 | Complex Mathematical Expressions Recognition using Support Vector Machine as a Classifier | Sagar Shinde, Mukil Alagirisamy, Daulappa Bhalke, Lalitkumar Wadhwa | Electronics and communication engineering | Journal of Information Technology in Industry | 2020-21 | ISSN Online: 2203-1731 |
42 | Human identification using histogram of oriented gradients (HOG) and non-maximum suppression (NMS) for atm video surveillance | Sanjeevkumar Angadi, Suvarna Nandyal | Computer Science Engineering | International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer Science & Technology | 2020-21 | ISSN: 2347-5552, |
43 | Malnutrition Detection and Administration Organization | Dr Prasad Dhore, Yogesh Kumar Sharma, Prashant Kumbharkar | Computer Science Engineering | International Journal of Computer Techniques | 2020-21 | ISSN :2394-2231 |
44 | Resourceful Investigation of Malnutrition with Machine Learning Using CNN Procedure | Prasad Dhore, Dr. Yogesh Kumar Sharma and Dr. Prashant Kumbharkar | Computer Science Engineering | International Journal of Advanced Research in Science and Technology | 2020-21 | ISSN (Online) 2581-9429 |
45 | A SURVEY OF CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE ANALYSIS USING MACHINE LEARNING ALGORITHMS | Deepti Chaudhari*, Seema Mahalungkar, Shital Mehta, Kavita Jadhav & Prachi Waghmare | Computer Science Engineering | JOURNAL OF HARBIN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY | 2020-21 | ISSN: 0367-6234 |
46 | VALIDATION OF MODIFIED RURAL LAXMI CHULA DESIGN USING CONTROLLED COOKING TESTING | Mujahid K Shaikh, Ashish U. Gandigude | Mechanical Engineering | International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science | 2020-21 | 2582 5208 |
47 | Deflection routing mechanism using BLESS and BBUS NoC | Ashish Mulajkar , Sanjeet K Sinha , Govind Singh Patel | Electronics and communication engineering | materials today: proceedings | 2020-21 | 2214-7853 |
48 | Design and Analysis of Half Wave Dipole Antenna for SAR Measurement | Dattatraya S Bormane, Amol D Sonawane | Electronics and communication engineering | Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Research | 2021-22 | ISSN 0975-3583 |
49 | Performance analysis of “Shell and Tube” and “Plate Heat Exchanger” | Ankush Sudam Patil | Mechanical Engineering | International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology | 2021-22 | ISSN: 2454-132X |
50 |
Skilled Drill of Undernourishment Public through Machine Learning Using CNN Action |
Dr. Prashant Kumbharkar, Prasad Dhore , Dr. Yogesh Sharma | Computer Science Engineering | International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews | 2021-22 | ISSN 2582-7421 |
51 | Shopping Trolley with Automated Billing Using Arduino | Sapana, Swapnali, Mohammad, A. D. Sonawane | Electronics and communication engineering | International Journal for Modern Trends in Science and Technology | 2021-22 | ISSN : c |
52 | Robust Convolutional Neural Network Model For Recognition of Fruits | DM Bongulwar, SN Talbar | Computer Science Engineering AI | Indian Journal of Science and Technology | 2021-22 | P-ISSN 0974-6846 E-ISSN 0974-5645 |
53 | Analysis of Three-Phase Solar PV Inverters Using UPQC | Mukund Ramdas Kharde, Dr.M.Wasi Baig | Mechanical Engineering |
International Journal of Innovative Research in Science,Engineering and Technology |
2021-22 | ISSN (Online): 2319-8753/ISSN (Print): 2347-6710 |
54 | Math Accessibility for Blind People in Society Using Machine Learning | Sagar Bhilaji Shinde, Mukil Alagirisamy, Kalyani Wagh and Prasad Dhore | Computer Science Engineering AI | ECS Transactions | 2021-22 | 1938-6737 |
55 |
Recognition of Math Expressions & Symbols using Machine Learning |
Shinde, Sagar; Mulagirisamy, Akil; Bhalke, Daulappa; Wadhwa, Lalitkumar | Electronics and communication engineering | Turkish Online Journal of Qualitative Inquiry | 2021-22 | e-ISSN 1309-6591 |
56 | Application of Different Machine Learning Techniques for Predicting Heart Dieses | Tejaswini Zope , Dr. K. Rajeswari , Sushma Vispute | Computer Science Engineering | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING RESEARCH & TECHNOLOGY | 2021-22 | ISSN (Online) : 2278-0181 |
57 |
Kalyani P. Wagh, K.Vasanth, Sagar Shinde | Electronics and communication engineering | Indian Journal of Computer Science and Engineering (IJCSE) | 2021-22 |
e-ISSN:0976-5166 p-ISSN:2231-3850 |
58 |
Kalyani P. Wagh, K.Vasanth, Sagar B. Shinde | Electronics and communication engineering | Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology | 2021-22 | 0367-6234 |
59 | A Novel Prediction Model for Compiler Optimization with Hybrid Meta-Heuristic Optimization Algorithm | Kadam, Sandeep U; Shinde, Sagar B; Gurav, Yogesh B; Dambhare, Sunil B; Shewale, Chaitali R | Electronics and communication engineering |
International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications |
2021-22 |
ISSN : 2156-5570 (Online) ISSN : 2158-107X (Print) |
60 | Cost Efficient Communication Laboratory: A Teaching Aid | Shinde, Sagar B.; Khoje, Suchitra A.; Kadam, Sandeep U.; Patil, Rupesh; Shewale, Chaitali | Electronics and communication engineering | Specialusis Ugdymas | 2021-22 | ISSN Online: 1392-5369 |
61 | CFD and exergy analysis of subcritical/supercritical CO2 based naturally circulated solar thermal collector | Madagonda k Biradar, Dipal N Parmar, Ajay kumar Yadav | Mechanical Engineering | Renewable Energy | 2021-22 |
Online ISSN: 1879-0682 Print ISSN: 0960-1481 |
62 | Alert system using blockchain | Akshay Darekar, Pankaj Shinde | Computer Science Engineering | International journal of advanced research in computer and communication engineering | 2021-22 | ISSN 2278-1021 (Online) |
63 | PROFICIENT EXPLORATION OF MALNOURISHMENT WITH MACHINE LEARNING BY CNN PROCEDURE | Prasad Dhore, Lalit Wadhwa, Pankaj Shinde, Deepak Naik, Sanjeevkumar Angadi | Computer Science Engineering |
Journal of Northeastern University |
2021-22 | 1005-3026 |
64 | Survey on AnnaData-Food Provider | Manasi Rokade, Seema Mahalungkar | Computer Science Engineering | International Journal of Innovative Research in Electrical, Electronics, Instrumentation and Control Engineering | 2021-22 | ISSN 2321-2004 (Online) |
65 | A Survey on Electronic Health Care Card System | Shweta Vhanmore, Rohan Kalaskar, Tushar Tupkar, Aboli Bhalerao, Sanjeevkumar Angadi, Prasad Dhore | Computer Science Engineering | Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results | 2021-22 | ISSN: Print -0976-9234, Online - 2229-7723 |
66 | Electricity Price Forecasting Using Artificial Neural Network | Jainam Gosaliya, Amit Andhare, Sayali Ghulmire, Utkarsh Bhalerao, Shital Mehta | Computer Science Engineering | International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology | 2021-22 | 2321 9653 |
67 | Image Based Plant Disease Detection | V. Nirgude, P. Garud, R. Mane, P. Gade, Mrs. S. Mehta | Computer Science Engineering | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED RESEARCH IN COMPUTER AND COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING | 2021-22 | 2319–5940 |
68 | Virtual Voice Assistant Sara for the Handicap and Blind People to Make Them Use of Desktop | Shubham Kharade, Saurabh Wani, Akash Tambe, Rohit Jagtap, Prof. Kavita Jadhav | Computer Science Engineering | International Journal of All Research Education & Scientific Methods | 2021-22 | ISSN: 2455-6211 |
69 | Development of High Performance Vertical Falling Film Plastic Dehumidifier Exploiting Surface Modification Technique | Rehan Khan, Digvijay Patil, Ritunesh Kumar | Mechanical Engineering | J. Sol. Energy Eng. | 2021-22 | Online ISSN 1528-8986 Print ISSN 0199-6231 |
70 | Automated Parking System Using Image Recognition | Parag L. Gore, Soumitra S. Tanksale, Prafful P. Wania, Nikhil.S.Dahiwadkar, Kavita Jadhav | Computer Science Engineering | International Journal Of Research and Analytical Reviews | 2021-22 | E-2384-1269, P-2349-5138 |
71 | Sign Language Recognition Android App using Convolution Neural Network |
Hritika Sanjay Dhasal Vaishali Devidas Sonawane Yash Chandrakant Bari Sharvari Santosh Raut Abhijeet Vitthal Sagare |
Computer Science Engineering | Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research | 2021-22 | 2349-5162 |
72 | MULTILAYER PERCEPTRON NEURAL NETWORK BASED RECOGNITION OF HANDWRITTEN MATHEMATICAL EQUATIONS | Sagar Shinde, Akil Mulagirisamy, Sandeep Kadam & Kalyani Wagh | Computer Science Engineering AI | Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology | 2021-22 | ISSN: 0367-6234 |
73 | Segmentation and Detection of Brain Tumor Cell Nuclei in MRI Images using Machine Learning | Sagar Shinde, Rupesh Patil, Sandeep Kadam, Yogesh Gurav | Computer Science Engineering AI | Teikyo Medical Journal | 2021-22 | 3875547 |
74 | Design and Performance Analysis of Highly Reliable Transformerless Three-Phase Solar Photovoltaic Inverters | Mukund Ramdas Kharde, Dr.M.Wasi Baig | Mechanical Engineering | International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology | 2021-22 | ISSN (Online) : 2319 - 8753 ISSN (Print) : 2347 - 6710 |
75 | STUDY OF THERMAL & DIELECTRIC PROPERTIES OF METAL SULFATE CONTAINING NLO SEMIORGANIC CRYSTALS | Mr. Chandrashekhar M. Bhambere & Dr. N. G. Durge | First Year Engineering | International Journal of Mechanical Engineering | 2021-22 | 0974-5823 |
76 | Synthesis, growth and characterization of L-Leucine Magnesium Nitrate Hexahydrate crystal | Chandrashekhar M. Bhambere & N. G. Durge | First Year Engineering | Journal of nonlinear optical and physics materials | 2021-22 | ISSN (online): 1793-6624 |
77 | LSB Modification Techniques of Audio Steganography for Secure Communication | Priyanka Joshi, Ashwini Bade | Computer Science Engineering AI | International Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology | 2021-22 | ISSN (Online): 2348-4098 ISSN (Print): 2395-4752 |
78 | ANALYSIS OF IMPROVED EZ-PASS ROUTER DESIGN AND ITS FPGA IMPLEMENTATION | Ashish Mulajkar, Sanjeet K Sinha & Govind Singh Patel | Electronics and communication engineering | JOURNAL OF HARBIN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY | 2021-22 | ISSN: 0367-6234 |
79 | IoT Based Air and Noise Pollution Monitoring System | Pooja, Shraddha ,Priyanka, A. D. Sonawane | Electronics and communication engineering | International Journal for Modern Trends in Science and Technology | 2021-22 | ISSN : 2455-3778 |
80 | SAR Analysis Using a Dipole Antenna in a Non-layered and Multi-layered Human Head Model | Amol Sonawane, D S Bormane | Electronics and communication engineering | International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication | 2022-23. | 2321-8169 (Online) |
81 | A Survey on Stock-Market Prediction using Machine Learning | Kavita Jadhav, Shivani Chaudhari, Prerna Phalke, Mokshada Borade, Vaishnavi Kumbhar, Pankaj Shinde | Computer Science Engineering | Scandinavian Journal of Information Systems | 2022-23 |
ISSN:0905-0167 E-ISSN:1901-0990 |
82 | Study on Fruit Recognization Using Image Processing | Pankaj Shinde , Sakshi Patil , Omkar Ghanwat , Rutuja Palkar , Kunal Mhaske , Dhammjyoti Dhawase | Computer Science Engineering | JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL NEGATIVE RESULTS | 2022-23 | ISSN: Print -0976-9234, Online - 2229-7723 |
83 | STUDY ON VARIOUS MACHINE LEARNING TECHNIQUES FOR PLANT DISEASE DETECTIONS IN AGRICULTURAL SECTOR | Prasad Dhore, Lalit Wadhwa, Deepak Naik, Pankaj Shinde | Computer Science Engineering | JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL NEGATIVE RESULTS | 2022-23 | ISSN: Print -0976-9234, Online - 2229-7723 |
84 | CLOUD DATA: ENCRYPTION AND AUDITING BY A THIRD PARTY | Deepali Ujalambkar, Geetanjali Sharma, Punam Sawale, Sairabanu Pansare & Aman Kamble | Computer Science Engineering | JOURNAL OF HARBIN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY | 2022-23 | ISSN: 0367-6234 |
85 | A SURVEY OF CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE ANALYSIS USING MACHINE LEARNING ALGORITHMS | Deepti Chaudhari*, Seema Mahalungkar, Shital Mehta, Kavita Jadhav & Prachi Waghmare | Computer Science Engineering | JOURNAL OF HARBIN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY | 2022-23 | ISSN: 0367-6234 |
86 | HUMAN POSE ESTIMATION AND CLASSIFICATION: A REVIEW | P Dhore | Computer Science Engineering | NeuroQuantology an interdisciplinary Journal of Neuroscience and Quantum Physics | 2022-23 | 1303-5150 |
87 | Performance analysis of machine learning algorithm of detection and classification of brain tumor using computer vision | Ashwini S Shinde , BM Mahendra , Santosh Nejakar , Santosh M Herur , Nagaraj Bhat | Computer Science Engineering AI |
Advances in Engineering Software |
2022-23 |
Online ISSN: 1873-5339 Print ISSN: 0965-9978 |
88 |
Dr. Sagar Shinde, Sandeep Kadam, Rupesh Patil, Sunil Dambare, Chaitali Shewale | Electronics and communication engineering | Journal of East China University of Science and Technology | 2022-23 | 1006-3080 |
89 | Evaluating And Classifying Human Posture: A Review | Swapnaja Ubale, Deepali Ujalambkar, Geetanjali Sharma, Vaibhav Sawalkar, Deepti Chaudhari, Sapana Kolambe | Computer Science Engineering | Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results | 2022-23 | ISSN: Print -0976-9234 |
90 | SORTING OF FRESH FRUITS USING TRANSFER LEARNING | Vijay Prakash Singh, SN Talbar, Deepali M Bongulwar | Computer Science Engineering AI | SEYBOLD REPORT | 2022-23 | 1533 9211 |
91 | Evaluation of CNN based on Hyperparameters to Detect the Quality of Apples | Deepali M Bongulwar, Vijay Prakash Singh, SN Talbar | Computer Science Engineering AI | International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology | 2022-23 | E-ISSN- 2231-5381 |
92 | Diesel engine performance with nickel-oxide-doped Calophyllum oil biodiesel under varying injection timings | Rahul Krishnaji Bawane, Nilima Baliram Gadge, Dinesh Bawane, Pallavi Gadge | Mechanical Engineering | International Journal of Ambient Energy | 2022-23 | ISSN 2162-8246 |
93 | College Automation System Using IOT | Puja Narkhede, Ashish Patil, Mayuri Patil , Dr. Prasad Dhore | Computer Science Engineering | International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET) | 2022-23 | ISSN: 2321-9653 |
94 |
Encryption of Data with Authorized Deduplication in Cloud – A
Survey |
Sonu Gaikwad, Aishwarya Bijja, Nishant Gawali, Somnath Bhosale, Prachi Waghmare, Pankaj Shinde | Computer Science Engineering | Scandinavian Journal of Information Systems | 2022-23 | ISSN:0905-0167 |
95 | Online Voter System With Two-Step Verification | Kalpesh Chaudhari, Shruti Yadav, Sanika Utpat, Parth Joglekar, Deepak Naik, Prasad Dhore | Computer Science Engineering | Scandinavian Journal of Information Systems | 2022-23 | ISSN:0905-0167 |
96 | A Survey of Sentimental Analysis on Zomato Restaurant Reviews | Deep Kalbande , Pushpak Patil , Sahil Kale , Siddhant Kasar , Sanjeevkumar Angadi , Prasad Dhore | Computer Science Engineering | JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL NEGATIVE RESULTS | 2022-23 | ISSN: Print -0976-9234 |
97 | Student Interaction System Using Modern Web Technologies | Kavita Jadhav, Aparna Pande, Rahul Dange, Divyansh Dubey, Roman Thapa, Shivani Sinha | Computer Science Engineering | Scandinavian Journal of Information Systems | 2022-23 | ISSN:0905-0167 |
98 | A NOVEL APPROACH FOR CLOUD-BASED MEDICAL DATA ENCRYPTION USING HENON CHAOTIC MAP | Uma Hombal and Dayananda R. B. | Computer Science Engineering | Europian CHemical Bulletin | 2022-23 | ISSN 2063-5346 |
99 | RESTAURANT REVIEWS: ASPECT-BASED SENTIMENT ANALYSIS USING DEEP LEARNING AND NLP ALGORITHM | Vishnu Suryawanshi*, Deepali Ujalambkar, Dhammjyoti Dhawase, Yuvraj Nikam & Aman Kamble | Computer Science Engineering | JOURNAL OF HARBIN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY | 2022-23 | ISSN: 0367-6235 |
100 | A Study on Emotion Detection | Dhammjyoti Dhawase, Shraddha Belhekar , Priya Patil, Snehal Hulule, Tanvi Ghare, Pankaj Shinde | Computer Science Engineering | JOURNAL OF HARBIN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY | 2022-23 | ISSN: 0367-6235 |
101 | Document Summarization -A Survey | Dhammjyoti Dhawase, Komal Mohite, Harshada Chandane, Sushakti Bhoir, Varsha Mohite, Prachi Waghmare | Computer Science Engineering | Scandinavian Journal of Information Systems | 2022-23 |
ISSN:0905-0167 E-ISSN:1901-0990 |
102 |
A Novel Efficient Method for Covered Face Detection in ATM Video Surveillance System |
Nandyal, Suvarna; Angadi, Sanjeevkumar. | Computer Science Engineering | NeuroQuantology an interdisciplinary Journal of Neuroscience and Quantum Physics | 2022-23 | 1303-5150 |
103 | Attendance Monitoring system using face recognition | Sanika Kulkarni, Palak Shrivastava, Pushpa Latha Bodineni, Nandini Ambhore, Deepti Choudhari, Dipamala Chaudhari | Computer Science Engineering | Scandinavian Journal of Information Systems | 2022-23 | ISSN:0905-0167 |
104 | A Survey on Image steganography using Genetic Algorithm | Deepti Chaudhari, Hetvi Patel, Anushri Ghosh, Neha Patil, Vikas Pawar, Yogesh Sonawane | Computer Science Engineering | Scandinavian Journal of Information Systems 35 (1), 131-135 | 2022-23 | ISSN:0905-0167 |
105 | Jaya-Mutated Leader Algorithm Based Deep Feed Forward Neural Network for Intrusion Detection Using Cloud Computing | Kirti Mahajan, Saeed Alhasen, Deepti Chaudhari, S. Sharanyaa & Deepti Agrawal | Computer Science Engineering | Cybernetics and Systems | 2022-23 | Print ISSN: 0196-9722 Online ISSN: 1087-6553 |
106 |
Injector Deposition and Behavior Change of Diesel Engine
Fueled with Calophyllum Oil Biodiesel Blend under 150 Hrs
Endurance Test |
Rahul Krishnaji Bawane, Nilima Gadge, Gajanan N Shelke, Dinesh Bawane | Mechanical Engineering | SAE International | 2022-23 | ISSN: 0148-7191 |
107 | Brief Review on Different Manual Software Testing Approaches & Procedure | Prasad Dhore , Lalit Wadhwa , Pankaj Shinde , Deepti Chaudhri , Priyanka Vyas | Computer Science Engineering | JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL NEGATIVE RESULTS | 2022-23 | ISSN: Print -0976-9234, Online - 2229-7723 |
108 | A Survey on Real Time Video Processing using Chroma Key (Green Screen) Effect | Jagruti Shimpi, Pratik Shringarpure, Priyanka Patil, Shreya Mane, Prasad Dhore, Sanjeevkumar Angadi | Computer Science Engineering | Scandinavian Journal of Information Systems | 2022-23 |
ISSN:0905-0167 E-ISSN:1901-0990 |
109 | Survey on Driver’s Drowsiness Monitoring System Using Visual Behavior | Sakshi Ingale, Neha Thakur, Mrunmayee Bodhale, Vaishnavi Dighe, Saili Sable, Prasad Dhore | Computer Science Engineering | Scandinavian Journal of Information Systems | 2022-23 |
ISSN:0905-0167 E-ISSN:1901-0990 |
110 | A survey on stock market prediction using machine learning | Kavita Jadhav, Shivani Chaudhari, Prerna Phalke, Mokshada Borade, Vaishnavi Kumbhar, Pankaj Shinde | Computer Science Engineering | Scandinavian Journal of Information Systems | 2022-23 |
ISSN:0905-0167 E-ISSN:1901-0990 |
111 | Study on Ethereum Transaction and Cancellation Using Blockchain Technology | Kavita Jadhav, Aparna Pande, Rahul Dange, Divyansh Dubey, Roman Thapa, Shivani Sinha | Computer Science Engineering | Scandinavian Journal of Information Systems | 2022-23 |
ISSN:0905-0167 E-ISSN:1901-0990 |
112 | Encryption of Data with Authorized Deduplication in Cloud – A Survey | Sonu Gaikwad, Aishwarya Bijja, Nishant Gawali, Somnath Bhosale, Prachi Waghmare, Pankaj Shinde | Computer Science Engineering | Scandinavian Journal of Information Systems | 2022-23 |
ISSN:0905-0167 E-ISSN:1901-0990 |
113 | Crop image classification using convolutional neural network | Mhalsakant Sardeshmukh Midhun Chakkaravarthy Sagar Shinde Divya Chakkaravarthy | Computer Science Engineering AI | Multidisciplinary Science Journal | 2022-23 | 2595-3982 |
114 | Study on Crime Examination and Forecasting using Machine Learning | Pankaj Shinde , Anchal Shukla , Rohit Patil , Gayatri Mali , Mahima Kakad , Prasad Dhore | Computer Science Engineering | JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL NEGATIVE RESULTS | 2022-23 | ISSN: Print -0976-9234, Online - 2229-7723 |
115 | Compiler Optimization Prediction with New Self-Improved Optimization Model | Sandeep U. Kadam Chaitali Shewale , Sagar B. Shinde , Yogesh B. Gurav , Rupesh J. Partil | Computer Science Engineering AI | International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications(IJACSA) | 2022-23 | 2156-5570 |
116 | Artificial intelligence approach for terror attacks prediction through machine learning | Sagar Shinde Suchitra Khoje Ankit Raj Lalitkumar Wadhwa Armaan Suhel Shaikha | Computer Science Engineering AI | Multidisciplinary Science Journal | 2022-23 | E-ISSN: 2349-7300 |
117 | Integrating MLOps and EEG Techniques for Enhanced Crime Detection and Prevention | Sagar Shinde Suchitra Khoje Ankit Raj Lalitkumar Wadhwa Armaan Suhel Shaikha | Computer Science Engineering AI | Multidisciplinary Science Journal | 2022-23 | E-ISSN: 2349-7300 |
118 | Identification of fake currency using soft computing | Sagar Shinde Lalitkumar Wadhwa D. G. Bhalke Nitin Sherje Shreenand Naik Rohan Kudale Karan Mohnani | Computer Science Engineering AI | Multidisciplinary Science Journal | 2022-23 | E-ISSN: 2349-7300 |
119 | Breaking the silence: Innovation in wake word activation | Sagar Shinde Akash Kathole Lalitkumar Wadhwa Armaan Suhel Shaikha | Computer Science Engineering AI | Multidisciplinary Science Journal | 2022-23 | E-ISSN: 2349-7300 |
120 | Advanced adaptive cruise control and vehicle to vehicle communication using LiDAR | Sagar Shinde Lalitkumar Wadhwa Sheetalkumar Rawandale Nitin Sherje Shubham Jadhav Ausmita Biswas Kalyani Gupta | Computer Science Engineering AI | Multidisciplinary Science Journal | 2022-23 | E-ISSN: 2349-7300 |
121 | A Deep Learning-Based Approach to Optimize Power Systems with Hybrid Renewable Energy Sources | Lakshmi Dhandapani,Sagar Bhilaji Shinde,Lalitkumar Wadhwa,Perumal Hariramakrishnan,Suragani Mohini Padmaja,Meena Devi Gurusamy, | Computer Science Engineering AI | Electric Power Components and Systems | 2022-23 | 1532 5016 |
122 | Review on BraveBlock: User Authenticator | Isha Bahadurkar , Dyaneshwar Jadhav , Appasaheb Korke , Prasad Makulwar , Prasad Dhore , Sanjeevkumar Angadi | Computer Science Engineering | JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL NEGATIVE RESULTS | 2022-23 | ISSN: Print -0976-9234, Online - 2229-7723 |
123 | A Survey on Suspicious Activity Detection in Examination Hall | Pavan Baile , Nandini Sutar , Shraddha Shinde , Akhilesh Brahmankar , Sanjeevkumar Angadi , Prasad Dhore | Computer Science Engineering | JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL NEGATIVE RESULTS | 2022-23 | ISSN: Print -0976-9234, Online - 2229-7724 |
124 | Experimental Investigation of Surface roughness of Polypropylene Polymer using TNMG Insert | Milind Ovhal, Dr. Jai Bahadur Balwanshi | Mechanical Engineering | Journal of Harbin Engineering University | 2022-23 | ISSN: 1006-7043 |
Sr. No. | Name of the teacher | Title of the book/chapters published | Title of the paper | Title of the proceedings of the conference | Name of the conference | National / International | Year of publication |
1 | Dr. Vikas Yadav | Solar Water Distillation Optimisation | IC-DMT-2018 Conference | IC-DMT-2018 Conference | Intrenational | 2018-19 | |
2 | Dr. A. S. Shinde | Challenges Inherent in Building an Intelligent Paradigm for Tumor Detection Using Machine Learning Algorithms | Advances in Machine Learning and Data Science | Advances in Machine Learning and Data Science | Intrenational | 2018-19 | |
3 | Dr. A. S. Shinde | Scaled Conjugate Gradient Algorithm and SVM for Iris Liveness Detection | International Conference on ISMAC in Computational Vision and Bio-Engineering 2018 (ISMAC-CVB) | Proceedings of the International Conference on ISMAC in Computational Vision and Bio-Engineering 2018 (ISMAC-CVB) | International | 2018-19 | |
4 | Sagar B. Shinde | ECU Health Monitor Using CANUSB | 2018 Second International Conference on Inventive Communication and Computational Technologies (ICICCT) | 2018 Second International Conference on Inventive Communication and Computational Technologies (ICICCT) | International | 2018-19 | |
5 | Rushikesh Pande | Innovative Approaches in the Design and Construction of Automated Guided Vehicles | 2nd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON IdEAs, InnovaTIOn and ImpacT in SciEncE & TECHnoloGY March 19, 2019 | ICIIIST - 2019 | International | 2018-19 | |
6 | Bhushan Pawar | Solar-Powered Reciprocating Pump: Design and Fabrication | 2nd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON IdEAs, InnovaTIOn and ImpacT in SciEncE & TECHnoloGY March 19, 2019 | ICIIIST - 2019 | International | 2018-19 | |
7 | Rushikesh Pande | Turn it Electric with Electrun. | 2nd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON IdEAs, InnovaTIOn and ImpacT in SciEncE & TECHnoloGY March 19, 2019 | ICIIIST - 2019 | International | 2018-19 | |
8 | Bhushan Pawar | Efficient Rack and Pinion Operated Automatic Gate. | 2nd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON IdEAs, InnovaTIOn and ImpacT in SciEncE & TECHnoloGY March 19, 2019 | ICIIIST - 2019 | International | 2018-19 | |
9 | Bhushan Pawar | Revolutionizing Waste Management: The Automated Segregation Approach | 2nd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON IdEAs, InnovaTIOn and ImpacT in SciEncE & TECHnoloGY March 19, 2019 | ICIIIST - 2019 | International | 2018-19 | |
10 | Dhanaji Jadhav | Smart, Affordable Ventilation: IoT Live Data Monitoring for All | 2nd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON IdEAs, InnovaTIOn and ImpacT in SciEncE & TECHnoloGY March 19, 2019 | ICIIIST - 2019 | International | 2018-19 | |
11 | Dhanaji Jadhav | Hard-Core Paper Core Cutting Machine Design | 2nd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON IdEAs, InnovaTIOn and ImpacT in SciEncE & TECHnoloGY March 19, 2019 | ICIIIST - 2019 | International | 2018-19 | |
12 | Dhanaji Jadhav | Automated Clutch Kit for Manual Transmission Vehicles. | 2nd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON IdEAs, InnovaTIOn and ImpacT in SciEncE & TECHnoloGY March 19, 2019 | ICIIIST - 2019 | International | 2018-19 | |
13 | Dhanaji Jadhav | Investigation of Wetting Factors on Vertical Plates of Different Designs | 2nd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON IdEAs, InnovaTIOn and ImpacT in SciEncE & TECHnoloGY March 19, 2019 | ICIIIST - 2019 | International | 2018-19 | |
14 | Dhanaji Jadhav | Design Analysis and Performance Evaluation of Automotive Overdrive Systems | 2nd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON IdEAs, InnovaTIOn and ImpacT in SciEncE & TECHnoloGY March 19, 2019 | ICIIIST - 2019 | International | 2018-19 | |
15 | Dhanaji Jadhav | Investigation into the Design and Construction of an Automated Guided Vehicle (AGV) | 2nd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON IdEAs, InnovaTIOn and ImpacT in SciEncE & TECHnoloGY March 19, 2019 | ICIIIST - 2019 | International | 2018-19 | |
16 | Dhanaji Jadhav | Comprehensive Analysis of Robotic Gripper Mechanisms | 2nd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON IdEAs, InnovaTIOn and ImpacT in SciEncE & TECHnoloGY March 19, 2019 | ICIIIST - 2019 | International | 2018-19 | |
17 | Dhanaji Jadhav | A Research Paper on 3D Printing Technology and the Various Processes Used in 3D Printing | 2nd INTERNATIONAL CONFER+E14:R14ENCE ON IdEAs, InnovaTIOn and ImpacT in SciEncE & TECHnoloGY March 19, 2019 | ICIIIST - 2019 | International | 2018-19 | |
18 | Dhanaji Jadhav | Robotic Gripper Analysis | 2nd INTERNATIONAL CONFER+E14:R14ENCE ON IdEAs, InnovaTIOn and ImpacT in SciEncE & TECHnoloGY March 19, 2019 | ICIIIST - 2019 | International | 2018-19 | |
19 | Dhanaji Jadhav | Design and Fabrication of a Solar-Operated Reciprocating Pump | 2nd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON IdEAs, InnovaTIOn and ImpacT in SciEncE & TECHnoloGY March 19, 2019 | ICIIIST - 2019 | International | 2018-19 | |
20 | Rushikesh Pande | Experimental Analysis of Solar Dryer Using PCM for Grapes Preservation | 2nd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON IdEAs, InnovaTIOn and ImpacT in SciEncE & TECHnoloGY March 19, 2019 | ICIIIST - 2019 | International | 2018-19 | |
21 | Rushikesh Pande | Pneumatic Actuation System | 2nd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON IdEAs, InnovaTIOn and ImpacT in SciEncE & TECHnoloGY March 19, 2019 | ICIIIST - 2019 | International | 2018-19 | |
22 | Bhushan Pawar | Ergonomically Comfortable Sheet Handling Trolley | 2nd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON IdEAs, InnovaTIOn and ImpacT in SciEncE & TECHnoloGY March 19, 2019 | ICIIIST - 2019 | International | 2018-19 | |
23 | Bhushan Pawar | Automatic Side Stand and Footrest Mechanism | 2nd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON IdEAs, InnovaTIOn and ImpacT in SciEncE & TECHnoloGY March 19, 2019 | ICIIIST - 2019 | International | 2018-19 | |
24 | Bhushan Pawar | Design and Fabrication of an Electric-Driven Wheelchair-Stretcher Hybrid | 2nd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON IdEAs, InnovaTIOn and ImpacT in SciEncE & TECHnoloGY March 19, 2019 | ICIIIST - 2019 | International | 2018-19 | |
25 | Ruchita Goje | Manufacturing and Design of a Tesla Turbine for Low-Pressure Energy Generation | 2nd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON IdEAs, InnovaTIOn and ImpacT in SciEncE & TECHnoloGY March 19, 2019 | ICIIIST - 2019 | International | 2018-19 | |
26 | Bhushan Pawar | Designing a Core Cutting Machine for Hard-Core Paper | 2nd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON IdEAs, InnovaTIOn and ImpacT in SciEncE & TECHnoloGY March 19, 2019 | ICIIIST - 2019 | International | 2018-19 | |
27 | Bhushan Pawar | Designing and Fabricating a Pneumatic Vice | 2nd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON IdEAs, InnovaTIOn and ImpacT in SciEncE & TECHnoloGY March 19, 2019 | ICIIIST - 2019 | International | 2018-19 | |
28 | Rushikesh Pande | Enhanced Irrigation Control with Soil Moisture Sensor Technology | 2nd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON IdEAs, InnovaTIOn and ImpacT in SciEncE & TECHnoloGY March 19, 2019 | ICIIIST - 2019 | International | 2018-19 | |
29 | Rushikesh Pande | Revolutionizing Fuel Monitoring: The Digital Fuel Level Indicator | 2nd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON IdEAs, InnovaTIOn and ImpacT in SciEncE & TECHnoloGY March 19, 2019 | ICIIIST - 2019 | International | 2018-19 | |
30 | Rushikesh Pande | Enhanced Precision: Cylindrical Edge Drilling Fixture | 2nd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON IdEAs, InnovaTIOn and ImpacT in SciEncE & TECHnoloGY March 19, 2019 | ICIIIST - 2019 | International | 2018-19 | |
31 | Parsappa Mali | Electrifying Mobility: Three-Wheeled Electric Segwa | 2nd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON IdEAs, InnovaTIOn and ImpacT in SciEncE & TECHnoloGY March 19, 2019 | ICIIIST - 2019 | International | 2018-19 | |
32 | Parsappa Mali |
On-Board Diagnostics and Troubleshooting for Two-Wheelers:
Enhancing Vehicle Health and Maintenance |
2nd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON IdEAs, InnovaTIOn and ImpacT in SciEncE & TECHnoloGY March 19, 2019 | ICIIIST - 2019 | International | 2018-19 | |
33 | Parsappa Mali | Revolutionizing Manual Cars: The Automatic Clutch Kit Solution | 2nd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON IdEAs, InnovaTIOn and ImpacT in SciEncE & TECHnoloGY March 19, 2019 | ICIIIST - 2019 | International | 2018-19 | |
34 | Prof. Parsappa Mali | Enhanced Fire Tank Safety System | 2nd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON IdEAs, InnovaTIOn and ImpacT in SciEncE & TECHnoloGY March 19, 2019 | ICIIIST - 2019 | International | 2018-19 | |
35 | Prof. Prasad Dhore | Enhancing Website Security: Machine Learning-Powered Phishing Website Detection | 2nd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON IdEAs, InnovaTIOn and ImpacT in SciEncE & TECHnoloGY March 19, 2019 | ICIIIST - 2019 | International | 2018-19 | |
36 | Prof.Saili Sable | Exploring Artistic Style Transfer using VGG19 Neural Networks | 2nd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON IdEAs, InnovaTIOn and ImpacT in SciEncE & TECHnoloGY March 19, 2019 | ICIIIST - 2019 | International | 2018-19 | |
37 | Prof. Sarita Tanay | Empowering Patient Care and Administrative Efficiency with Streamlined Hospital Management | 2nd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON IdEAs, InnovaTIOn and ImpacT in SciEncE & TECHnoloGY March 19, 2019 | ICIIIST - 2019 | International | 2018-19 | |
38 | Prof. Shamal Kedari | Cine Sage: The Ultimate Movie Recommendation System | 2nd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON IdEAs, InnovaTIOn and ImpacT in SciEncE & TECHnoloGY March 19, 2019 | ICIIIST - 2019 | International | 2018-19 | |
39 | Prof. Suvarna Shingare | Improving Revenue Forecasting for Publishers Advertising | 2nd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON IdEAs, InnovaTIOn and ImpacT in SciEncE & TECHnoloGY March 19, 2019 | ICIIIST - 2019 | International | 2018-19 | |
40 | Prof. Sarita Tanay | Advanced Satellite Technology for Marine Debris Detection | 2nd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON IdEAs, InnovaTIOn and ImpacT in SciEncE & TECHnoloGY March 19, 2019 | ICIIIST - 2019 | International | 2018-19 | |
41 | Prof. Prasad Dhore | Electronic Healthcare Card (e-Health Card) | 2nd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON IdEAs, InnovaTIOn and ImpacT in SciEncE & TECHnoloGY March 19, 2019 | ICIIIST - 2019 | International | 2018-19 | |
42 | Prof. Shital Mehata | Sentimental Analysis of Zomato Restaurant Reviews | 2nd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON IdEAs, InnovaTIOn and ImpacT in SciEncE & TECHnoloGY March 19, 2019 | ICIIIST - 2019 | International | 2018-19 | |
43 | Prof. Shital Mehata | Detection of Suspicious Activities in an Examination Hall | 2nd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON IdEAs, InnovaTIOn and ImpacT in SciEncE & TECHnoloGY March 19, 2019 | ICIIIST - 2019 | International | 2018-19 | |
44 | Prof. Saili Sable | Block chain-Powered Document Verification Solution | 2nd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON IdEAs, InnovaTIOn and ImpacT in SciEncE & TECHnoloGY March 19, 2019 | ICIIIST - 2019 | International | 2018-19 | |
45 | Prof. Saili Sable | Identifying Phishing Attempts: Discovering Phish | 2nd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON IdEAs, InnovaTIOn and ImpacT in SciEncE & TECHnoloGY March 19, 2019 | ICIIIST - 2019 | International | 2018-19 | |
46 | Prof. Saili Sable | Skin Disease Detection and Hospital Recommendation System: An Investigative study | 2nd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON IdEAs, InnovaTIOn and ImpacT in SciEncE & TECHnoloGY March 19, 2019 | ICIIIST - 2019 | International | 2018-19 | |
47 | Prof. Saili Sable | Brave Block User Authenticator Review | 2nd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON IdEAs, InnovaTIOn and ImpacT in SciEncE & TECHnoloGY March 19, 2019 | ICIIIST - 2019 | International | 2018-19 | |
48 | Prof. Shital Mehata | Exploring Real-Time Video Processing with Chroma Key (Green Screen) Effect:A Comprehensive Survey | 2nd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON IdEAs, InnovaTIOn and ImpacT in SciEncE & TECHnoloGY March 19, 2019 | ICIIIST - 2019 | International | 2018-19 | |
49 | Prof. Saili Sable | Design Analysis and Performance Evaluation of Automotive Overdrive Systems | 2nd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON IdEAs, InnovaTIOn and ImpacT in SciEncE & TECHnoloGY March 19, 2019 | ICIIIST - 2019 | International | 2018-19 | |
50 | Prof. Shital Mehata | Crime Analysis and Predictive Forecasting | 2nd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON IdEAs, InnovaTIOn and ImpacT in SciEncE & TECHnoloGY March 19, 2019 | ICIIIST - 2019 | International | 2018-19 | |
51 | Prof. Shital Mehata | Decentralized Secure Cloud Storage with Blockchain Technology | 2nd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON IdEAs, InnovaTIOn and ImpacT in SciEncE & TECHnoloGY March 19, 2019 | ICIIIST - 2019 | International | 2018-19 | |
52 | Prof. Shital Mehata | Enhancing Online Voting Security: A Two- Step Verification Voter System | 2nd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON IdEAs, InnovaTIOn and ImpacT in SciEncE & TECHnoloGY March 19, 2019 | ICIIIST - 2019 | International | 2018-19 | |
53 | Prof. Shital Mehata | Cloud-Based Backup and Storage Solutions for CCTV Surveillance Utilizing LSB Algorithm for Image Steganograp | 2nd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON IdEAs, InnovaTIOn and ImpacT in SciEncE & TECHnoloGY March 19, 2019 | ICIIIST - 2019 | International | 2018-19 | |
54 | Prof. Shital Mehata | Utilizing LSB Algorithm for Image Steganography | 2nd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON IdEAs, InnovaTIOn and ImpacT in SciEncE & TECHnoloGY March 19, 2019 | ICIIIST - 2019 | International | 2018-19 | |
55 | Prof. Shital Mehata | Face Recognition-Based Attendance Monitoring System | 2nd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON IdEAs, InnovaTIOn and ImpacT in SciEncE & TECHnoloGY March 19, 2019 | ICIIIST - 2019 | International | 2018-19 | |
56 | Prof. Shital Mehata | Image Processing for Fruit Recognition | 2nd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON IdEAs, InnovaTIOn and ImpacT in SciEncE & TECHnoloGY March 19, 2019 | ICIIIST - 2019 | International | 2018-19 | |
57 | Prof. Saili Sable | Machine Learning for Crime Examination and Prediction | 2nd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON IdEAs, InnovaTIOn and ImpacT in SciEncE & TECHnoloGY March 19, 2019 | ICIIIST - 2019 | International | 2018-19 | |
58 | Prof. Shital Mehata | Managing Ethereum Transactions and Cancellations Using Block chain Technology | 2nd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON IdEAs, InnovaTIOn and ImpacT in SciEncE & TECHnoloGY March 19, 2019 | ICIIIST - 2019 | International | 2018-19 | |
59 | Prof. Shital Mehata | Predicting Stock Market Trends Using Machine Learning | 2nd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON IdEAs, InnovaTIOn and ImpacT in SciEncE & TECHnoloGY March 19, 2019 | ICIIIST - 2019 | International | 2018-19 | |
60 | Prof. Shital Mehata | Modernizing Education: The Student Interaction System | 2nd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON IdEAs, InnovaTIOn and ImpacT in SciEncE & TECHnoloGY March 19, 2019 | ICIIIST - 2019 | International | 2018-19 | |
61 | Prof. Shital Mehata | Machine Learning-Powered Detection of Mobile Botnets | 2nd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON IdEAs, InnovaTIOn and ImpacT in SciEncE & TECHnoloGY March 19, 2019 | ICIIIST - 2019 | International | 2018-19 | |
62 | Prof. Prasad Dhore | Trans formative Styling with Pixel Alchemy and VGG19 | 2nd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON IdEAs, InnovaTIOn and ImpacT in SciEncE & TECHnoloGY March 19, 2019 | ICIIIST - 2019 | International | 2018-19 | |
63 | Prof. Shital Mehata | Advancing Medical Imaging for Precision Brain Tumor Detection | 2nd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON IdEAs, InnovaTIOn and ImpacT in SciEncE & TECHnoloGY March 19, 2019 | ICIIIST - 2019 | International | 2018-19 | |
64 | Prof. Prasad Dhore | Improving Security: Surveillance System Based on Key logger Technology | 2nd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON IdEAs, InnovaTIOn and ImpacT in SciEncE & TECHnoloGY March 19, 2019 | ICIIIST - 2019 | International | 2018-19 | |
65 | Prof. Prasad Dhore | Enhancing Website Security: Machine Learning-Powered Phishing Website Detection | 2nd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON IdEAs, InnovaTIOn and ImpacT in SciEncE & TECHnoloGY March 19, 2019 | ICIIIST - 2019 | International | 2018-19 | |
66 | Prof.Saili Sable | Exploring Artistic Style Transfer using VGG19 Neural Networks | 2nd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON IdEAs, InnovaTIOn and ImpacT in SciEncE & TECHnoloGY March 19, 2019 | ICIIIST - 2019 | International | 2018-19 | |
67 | Prof. Sarita Tanay | Empowering Patient Care and Administrative Efficiency with Streamlined Hospital Management | 2nd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON IdEAs, InnovaTIOn and ImpacT in SciEncE & TECHnoloGY March 19, 2019 | ICIIIST - 2019 | International | 2018-19 | |
68 | Prof. Shamal Kedari | Cine Sage: The Ultimate Movie Recommendation System | 2nd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON IdEAs, InnovaTIOn and ImpacT in SciEncE & TECHnoloGY March 19, 2019 | ICIIIST - 2019 | International | 2018-19 | |
69 | Prof. Sayali Inamdar | Automated Mangoes Quality Assessment and Ripeness Classification | 2nd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON IdEAs, InnovaTIOn and ImpacT in SciEncE & TECHnoloGY March 19, 2019 | ICIIIST - 2019 | International | 2018-19 | |
70 | Prof. Suvarna Shingare | Improving Revenue Forecasting for Publishers Advertising | 2nd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON IdEAs, InnovaTIOn and ImpacT in SciEncE & TECHnoloGY March 19, 2019 | ICIIIST - 2019 | International | 2018-19 | |
71 | Prof. Sarita Tanay | Advanced Satellite Technology for Marine Debris Detection | 2nd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON IdEAs, InnovaTIOn and ImpacT in SciEncE & TECHnoloGY March 19, 2019 | ICIIIST - 2019 | International | 2018-19 | |
72 | Prof. Malu Dandi | Micro controller-Based Overheat Detection System with Temperature Sensor and Buzzer Alert | 2nd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON IdEAs, InnovaTIOn and ImpacT in SciEncE & TECHnoloGY March 19, 2019 | ICIIIST - 2019 | International | 2018-19 | |
73 | Prof. Kiran Kadam | Enhanced Home Automation System for Individuals with Disabilities | 2nd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON IdEAs, InnovaTIOn and ImpacT in SciEncE & TECHnoloGY March 19, 2019 | ICIIIST - 2019 | International | 2018-19 | |
74 | Prof. Ravindra Bhegade | IoT-Enabled Water Quality Monitoring System | 2nd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON IdEAs, InnovaTIOn and ImpacT in SciEncE & TECHnoloGY March 19, 2019 | ICIIIST - 2019 | International | 2018-19 | |
75 | Prof. Hanmant Gore | Cutting-Edge Threat Detection System | 2nd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON IdEAs, InnovaTIOn and ImpacT in SciEncE & TECHnoloGY March 19, 2019 | ICIIIST - 2019 | International | 2018-19 | |
76 | Prof. Ravindra Gahane | Comprehensive Student Database and Attendance Management System with Face Recognition Integration | 2nd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON IdEAs, InnovaTIOn and ImpacT in SciEncE & TECHnoloGY March 19, 2019 | ICIIIST - 2019 | International | 2018-19 | |
77 | Prof. Malu Dandi | Intelligent Plant Monitoring System | 2nd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON IdEAs, InnovaTIOn and ImpacT in SciEncE & TECHnoloGY March 19, 2019 | ICIIIST - 2019 | International | 2018-19 | |
78 | Prof. Roshni Kolpe | Wireless Fire Surveillance System | 2nd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON IdEAs, InnovaTIOn and ImpacT in SciEncE & TECHnoloGY March 19, 2019 | ICIIIST - 2019 | International | 2018-19 | |
79 | Uma Hombal; R. B. Dayananda | An effective security protocol for GDS (group Data sharing) in Healthcare Cloud Environment | 2019 International Conference on Communication and Electronics Systems (ICCES) | 2019 International Conference on Communication and Electronics Systems (ICCES) | International | 2019-20 | |
80 | Prasad Jagdale | Novel Face Liveness Detection Using Fusion of Features and Machine Learning Classifiers | 2020 IEEE International Conference on Informatics, IoT, and Enabling Technologies (ICIoT) | 2020 IEEE International Conference on Informatics, IoT, and Enabling Technologies (ICIoT) | International | 2019-20 | |
81 | Suvarna Nandyal, Sanjeevkumar Angadi | Adaptive Background Generation Method for Automated Teller Machine (ATM) with an Integrated Video Monitoring System | 2020 IEEE International Conference on Technology, Engineering, Management for Societal impact using Marketing, Entrepreneurship and Talent (TEMSMET) | 2020 IEEE International Conference on Technology, Engineering, Management for Societal impact using Marketing, Entrepreneurship and Talent (TEMSMET) | International | 2020-21 | |
82 | Dr. Aparna Pande | Optimal Tree Structure for Secure Group Communication Using LKH Approach | International Conference on Communication and Information Processing (ICCIP-2020) | International Conference on Communication and Information Processing (ICCIP-2020) | International | 2020-21 | |
83 | Vishal Birajdar | Identifying the Challenges and Issues for Research in Development of Small Wind Turbines | National Conference on Research and Developments in Mechanical Engineering (NCRDME-2020) | National Conference on Research and Developments in Mechanical Engineering (NCRDME-2020) | National | 2020-21 | |
84 | Subhash Khetre | Minimum quality lubrication: A comprehensive review | AIP Conference Proceedings | AIP Conference Proceedings | International | 2020-21 | |
85 | Amol D Sonawane | A Specific Absorption Rate in Human Head due to Mobile Phone Radiations: Review | 2020 International Conference on Electronics and Sustainable Communication Systems (ICESC) | International Conference on Electronics and Sustainable Communication Systems (ICESC) | International | 2020-21 | |
86 | Sagar Shinde , Lalit Wadhwa & Daulappa Bhalke |
Feedforward Back Propagation Neural Network (FFBPNN) Based Approach for the Identification of Handwritten Math Equations |
Image Processing and Capsule Networks ICIPCN 2020 |
International Conference on Image Processing and Capsule Networks | International | 2020-21 | |
87 | Dr. Deepali Makarand Bongulwar | Identification of Fruits Using Deep Learning Approach | International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (ICAIML 2020) 4TH-5TH September 2020, Jaipur, India | ICAIML 2020 | International | 2020-21 | |
88 | Suvarna Nandyal, Sanjeevkumar Angadi | Recognition of suspicious human activities using klt and kalman filter for atm surveillance system | International Conference on Innovative Practices in Technology and Management (ICIPTM) | International Conference on Innovative Practices in Technology and Management (ICIPTM) | International | 2020-21 | |
89 | Sanjeevkumar Angadi, Suvarna Nandyal | Database Creation for Normal and Suspicious Behaviour Identification in ATM Video Surveillance | Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing & Communication (ICICC) | Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing & Communication (ICICC) | International | 2020-21 | |
90 | Dr. Ashish Mulajkar | A single cycle low latency bypass router based on network on chip | 2020-21 | ||||
91 | Dr. Ashish Mulajkar | TCMP and CHIPPER Router design for Power Efficient Network on Chips | 2021 International Conference on Computer Communication and Informatics (ICCCI) | 2021 International Conference on Computer Communication and Informatics (ICCCI) | International | 2020-21 | |
92 | Sagar Shinde |
Feedforward Back Propagation Neural Network (FFBPNN) Based
Approach for the Identification of Handwritten Math Equations
International Conference on Image Processing and Capsule Networks ICIPCN 2020 |
International Conference on Image Processing and Capsule Networks ICIPCN 2020 |
International | 2020-21 | |
93 | Vishal Birajdar | Study on Mechanical Properties of FRP Materials for Wind Turbine Blades | International Conference on Communication and Information Processing (ICCIP-2021) | International Conference on Communication and Information Processing (ICCIP-2021) | International | 2021-22 | |
94 | Mukund Kharde | Review Paper on Static Structural Analysis of Crankshaft of Single Cylinder Petrol Engine | International Conference on Communication and Information Processing (ICCIP-2021) | International Conference on Communication and Information Processing (ICCIP-2021) | International | 2021-22 | |
95 | Uma Hombal | A Review on Security and Privacy Preserving Mechanisms of Electronic Health Records in Cloud | 2021 Asian Conference on Innovation in Technology (ASIANCON) | 2021 Asian Conference on Innovation in Technology (ASIANCON) | International | 2021-22 | |
96 | Ravi Gahane | Automatic IEEE Wireless Standard ARM7 Based Image Transfer Robot with Robotic Arm | International Conference on Communication and Information Processing (ICCIP-2021) | International Conference on Communication and Information Processing (ICCIP-2021) | International | 2021-22 | |
97 | Dr. Ashish Mulajkar | The Role of IoT in Sustainable Healthcare | 2021-22 | ||||
98 | Mrs. D. M. Bongulwar | Fruit Recognition using Deep Learning Approach | International | 2021-22 | |||
99 | Chandrashekhar M Bhambhere | Structural, Spectral and Optical Properties of Lithium Sulphate Monohydrate L-Valine Semiorganic Crystal | International | 2021-22 | |||
100 | Aparna Pande | Block chain based E-voting System | International Conference on Communication & Information Processing (ICCIP) 2022 | 4th International Conference on Communication & Information Processing (ICCIP) 2022 | International | 2022-23 | |
101 | Nilima Bawane | Ergo Comfy Sheet Handling Trolley | International Conference on Communication & Information Processing (ICCIP) 2022 | 4th International Conference on Communication & Information Processing (ICCIP) 2022 | International | 2022-23 | |
102 | Milind Ovhal | Analysis of Robotic Gripper | International Conference on Communication & Information Processing (ICCIP) 2022 | 4th International Conference on Communication & Information Processing (ICCIP) 2022 | International | 2022-23 | |
103 | Seema Mahalungkar | Spying Robot | International Conference on Communication & Information Processing (ICCIP) 2022 | 4th International Conference on Communication & Information Processing (ICCIP) 2022 | International | 2022-23 | |
104 | Seema Mahalungkar | Underwater Object Classification by Using Machine Learning | International Conference on Communication & Information Processing (ICCIP) 2022 | 4th International Conference on Communication & Information Processing (ICCIP) 2022 | International | 2022-23 | |
105 | Dhammajyoti Dhawase | Movie Recommendation System Using Latent Factor | International Conference on Communication & Information Processing (ICCIP) 2022 | 4th International Conference on Communication & Information Processing (ICCIP) 2022 | International | 2022-23 | |
106 | Dr. Prasad Dhore | Smart and Reliable E-Commerce Website | International Conference on Communication & Information Processing (ICCIP) 2022 | 4th International Conference on Communication & Information Processing (ICCIP) 2022 | International | 2022-23 | |
107 | Dr. Prasad Dhore | College Automation System Using IoT | International Conference on Communication & Information Processing (ICCIP) 2022 | 4th International Conference on Communication & Information Processing (ICCIP) 2022 | International | 2022-23 | |
108 | Vishal Birajdar | Upper Body Exoskeleton | International Conference on Communication & Information Processing (ICCIP) 2022 | 4th International Conference on Communication & Information Processing (ICCIP) 2022 | International | 2022-23 | |
109 | M K Shailh | Cylindrical Edge Drilling Fixture | International Conference on Communication & Information Processing (ICCIP) 2022 | 4th International Conference on Communication & Information Processing (ICCIP) 2022 | International | 2022-23 | |
110 | Vishal Birajdar | Experimental Analysis of Solar Air Dryer Using PCM For Fruits Preservation | International Conference on Communication & Information Processing (ICCIP) 2022 | 4th International Conference on Communication & Information Processing (ICCIP) 2022 | International | 2022-23 | |
111 | M K Shailh | Smart Irrigation Using Soil Moisture Sensor | International Conference on Communication & Information Processing (ICCIP) 2022 | 4th International Conference on Communication & Information Processing (ICCIP) 2022 | International | 2022-23 | |
112 | Dr. Ashwini S Shinde | Intelligent System for Medicine Identification for Chronic Patients | International Conference on Communication & Information Processing (ICCIP) 2022 | 4th International Conference on Communication & Information Processing (ICCIP) 2022 | International | 2022-23 | |
113 | Milind Ovhal | Dynamic Wireless Electric Charging System Using MATLAB Simulink | International Conference on Communication & Information Processing (ICCIP) 2022 | 4th International Conference on Communication & Information Processing (ICCIP) 2022 | International | 2022-23 | |
114 | Shailendra More | Novel and Cost Effective 3D-Printing Technology Based on Fused Deposition | International Conference on Communication & Information Processing (ICCIP) 2022 | 4th International Conference on Communication & Information Processing (ICCIP) 2022 | International | 2022-23 | |
115 | Shailendra More | Design and Development of a Mini Motorized Press Machine for Small Case Food Industries in India | International Conference on Communication & Information Processing (ICCIP) 2022 | 4th International Conference on Communication & Information Processing (ICCIP) 2022 | International | 2022-23 | |
116 | Mukund Kharde | Multipurpose Bike Safety System | International Conference on Communication & Information Processing (ICCIP) 2022 | 4th International Conference on Communication & Information Processing (ICCIP) 2022 | International | 2022-23 | |
117 | Mukund Kharde | Design and Fabrication of Pneumatic Vice | International Conference on Communication & Information Processing (ICCIP) 2022 | 4th International Conference on Communication & Information Processing (ICCIP) 2022 | International | 2022-23 | |
118 | Anil Yadav | Design and Fabrication of Automated Guided Vehicle-A Review | International Conference on Communication & Information Processing (ICCIP) 2022 | 4th International Conference on Communication & Information Processing (ICCIP) 2022 | International | 2022-23 | |
119 | Amol D Sonawane | Half Wave Dipole Antenna Performance Parameter Measurement and Comparison at 900 and 1800 MHz Frequency | International Conference on Industry 4.0 Technology (I4Tech) | 2022 International Conference on Industry 4.0 Technology (I4Tech) | International | 2022-23 | |
120 | Rashmi Dharwadkar | Personalized Therapy Using Deep Learning Advances | International | 2022-23 | |||
121 | Dr.Prasad Dhore, Uma Patil, Pankaj Shinde, Dhammajyoti Dawase | Software Engineering | --- | --- | --- | --- | 2022-23 |
122 | Ankit Raj, Suchitra A. Khoje & Sagar Bhilaji Shinde | Terror Attack Classification with the Application of Orange Data Mining Tool and Neo4j Sandbox | International Conference on Intelligent Cyber Physical Systems and Internet of Things | ICoICI 2022 | International | 2022-23 | |
123 | Kiran Jadhav, Mangesh Nikose & Sagar Shinde | Crystal Clear Analysis of Open–Source Automation Platforms | International Conference on Intelligent Cyber Physical Systems and Internet of Things | ICoICI 2022 | International | 2022-23 | |
124 | Dr. Sagar Shinde |
International Conference on Innovation and Recent Trends in Engineering and Science |
(ICIRTES-2023) 10th and 11thJune |
International | 2022-23 | |
125 | Dr. Sagar Shinde | Information Theory & Coding Technology | - | --- | --- | --- | 2022-23 |
126 | A P Sonawane | Artificial Intelligence-A Modern Approach | 2022-23 | ||||
128 | Dr. Madagonda K. Biradar | --- | Low-Cost Ventilator with IOT Live Data Monitoring | 5th International Conference on Communication and Information Processing (ICCIP-2023) | International Conference on Communication and Information Processing (ICCIP- 2023) | International | 2022-23 |
129 | Dr. Aparna Pande | --- | Bird Species Image Identification using Deep Learning | 5th International Conference on Communication and Information Processing (ICCIP-2023) | International Conference on Communication and Information Processing (ICCIP- 2023) | International | 2022-23 |
130 | Deepti Choudhari | --- | Attendance Monitoring system using face recognition | 5th International Conference on Communication and Information Processing (ICCIP-2023) | International Conference on Communication and Information Processing (ICCIP- 2023) | International | 2022-23 |
131 | Prachi Waghmare | --- | Sign language recognition | 5th International Conference on Communication and Information Processing (ICCIP-2023) | International Conference on Communication and Information Processing (ICCIP- 2023) | International | 2022-23 |
132 | Premkumar Kolle | --- | Study of Optimization Process -Taguchi Method | 5th International Conference on Communication and Information Processing (ICCIP-2023) | International Conference on Communication and Information Processing (ICCIP- 2023) | International | 2022-23 |
133 | Mukund Kharde | --- | Advance Tool Management for Smart Factory | 5th International Conference on Communication and Information Processing (ICCIP-2023) | International Conference on Communication and Information Processing (ICCIP- 2023) | International | 2022-23 |
134 | Vaibhavi Avchat | --- | Electric Vehicles : An Overview of Technology, Environmental Impact and Market Trends | 5th International Conference on Communication and Information Processing (ICCIP-2023) | International Conference on Communication and Information Processing (ICCIP- 2023) | International | 2022-23 |
135 | Milind Ovhal | --- | Investigation of Optimization Machining Parameter for POM (POLYOXYMETHYLENE) while using TNMG Insert by Taguchi ANOVA | 5th International Conference on Communication and Information Processing (ICCIP-2023) | International Conference on Communication and Information Processing (ICCIP- 2023) | International | 2022-23 |
136 | Prasad Dhore | --- | Real time video processing using croma key (green screen) effect | 5th International Conference on Communication and Information Processing (ICCIP-2023) | International Conference on Communication and Information Processing (ICCIP- 2023) | International | 2022-23 |
137 | Deepti Chaudhari | --- | A Survey on Image Steganography using LSB Algorithm | 5th International Conference on Communication and Information Processing (ICCIP-2023) | International Conference on Communication and Information Processing (ICCIP- 2023) | International | 2022-23 |
138 | Dr. Aparna Pande | --- | Traffic Sign Detection and Recognition in Difficult Weather Conditions | 5th International Conference on Communication and Information Processing (ICCIP-2023) | International Conference on Communication and Information Processing (ICCIP- 2023) | International | 2022-23 |
139 | Sanjeevkumar Angadi | --- | A System On E - Health Care Card Using QR Code | 5th International Conference on Communication and Information Processing (ICCIP-2023) | International Conference on Communication and Information Processing (ICCIP- 2023) | International | 2022-23 |
140 | Mrs.Priyanaka Vyas | --- | AI VIRTUAL MOUSE | 5th International Conference on Communication and Information Processing (ICCIP-2023) | International Conference on Communication and Information Processing (ICCIP- 2023) | International | 2022-23 |
141 | Kavita Jadhav | --- | Revolutionizing Student Engagement: Building a Cutting-Edge Student Interaction System with MERN Stack and Next.js | 5th International Conference on Communication and Information Processing (ICCIP-2023) | International Conference on Communication and Information Processing (ICCIP- 2023) | International | 2022-23 |
142 | Dipamala Chaudhari | --- | Fake Product Identification by QR Using Blockchain | 5th International Conference on Communication and Information Processing (ICCIP-2023) | International Conference on Communication and Information Processing (ICCIP- 2023) | International | 2022-23 |
143 | Sairabanu Pansare | --- | Blockchain Based Document Verification System | 5th International Conference on Communication and Information Processing (ICCIP-2023) | International Conference on Communication and Information Processing (ICCIP- 2023) | International | 2022-23 |
144 | Dipika Paranjape | --- | Empowering Smart Homes: A Comprehensive Integration of IoT and Android App for Home Automation | 5th International Conference on Communication and Information Processing (ICCIP-2023) | International Conference on Communication and Information Processing (ICCIP- 2023) | International | 2022-23 |
145 | Vijay Darade | --- | Optimization and NVH analysis of an instrument cluster | 5th International Conference on Communication and Information Processing (ICCIP-2023) | International Conference on Communication and Information Processing (ICCIP- 2023) | International | 2022-23 |
146 | Mujahid Shaikh | --- | Automated Industry Management System | 5th International Conference on Communication and Information Processing (ICCIP-2023) | International Conference on Communication and Information Processing (ICCIP- 2023) | International | 2022-23 |
147 | Subash Khetre | --- | Literature Review for Mechanical Drives Trainer Kit | 5th International Conference on Communication and Information Processing (ICCIP-2023) | International Conference on Communication and Information Processing (ICCIP- 2023) | International | 2022-23 |
148 | Subhash Khetre | --- | Experimental Investigation of the Machining Process Parameters for Hastelloy C-276 | 5th International Conference on Communication and Information Processing (ICCIP-2023) | International Conference on Communication and Information Processing (ICCIP- 2023) | International | 2022-23 |
149 | Anil Yadav | --- | A Review: Design, Analysis & Optimization of E-Bicycle | 5th International Conference on Communication and Information Processing (ICCIP-2023) | International Conference on Communication and Information Processing (ICCIP- 2023) | International | 2022-23 |
150 | Milind Ovhal | --- | Investigation of Optimization Machining Parameter for ABSAcrylonitrile butadiene styrene while using TNMG Insert by Taguchi and ANOVA | 5th International Conference on Communication and Information Processing (ICCIP-2023) | International Conference on Communication and Information Processing (ICCIP- 2023) | International | 2022-23 |
151 | R.K.Bhegade | --- | Integrated Student Database and Attendance Management System with Face Recognition | 5th International Conference on Communication and Information Processing (ICCIP-2023) | International Conference on Communication and Information Processing (ICCIP- 2023) | International | 2022-23 |
152 | Shital Mehta | --- | Smart Water Supply in Irrigation Using Raspberry Pi | 5th International Conference on Communication and Information Processing (ICCIP-2023) | International Conference on Communication and Information Processing (ICCIP- 2023) | International | 2022-23 |
153 | Vaibhavi Avachat | --- | Rocket Science: The Space Race | 5th International Conference on Communication and Information Processing (ICCIP-2023) | International Conference on Communication and Information Processing (ICCIP- 2023) | International | 2022-23 |
154 | Prem kolle | --- | A Review on Hydrogen Fuel Based Vehicles | 5th International Conference on Communication and Information Processing (ICCIP-2023) | International Conference on Communication and Information Processing (ICCIP- 2023) | International | 2022-23 |
155 | Vaibhavi Avachat | --- | Solid Waste Management: A Review | 5th International Conference on Communication and Information Processing (ICCIP-2023) | International Conference on Communication and Information Processing (ICCIP- 2023) | International | 2022-23 |
156 | Dr. Madagonda k biradar. | --- | Breaking the Taboo: Talking About Sanitary Pads A Review | 5th International Conference on Communication and Information Processing (ICCIP-2023) | International Conference on Communication and Information Processing (ICCIP- 2023) | International | 2022-23 |
157 | Pankaj Shinde | --- | Fruit Recognition Using Image Processing | 5th International Conference on Communication and Information Processing (ICCIP-2023) | International Conference on Communication and Information Processing (ICCIP- 2023) | International | 2022-23 |
158 | Kavita Jadhav | --- | Comprehensive Literature Survey on Retinal Image Analysis for Diabetics-prediction Using Machine learning | 5th International Conference on Communication and Information Processing (ICCIP-2023) | International Conference on Communication and Information Processing (ICCIP- 2023) | International | 2022-23 |
159 | Dr. Madagonda K Biradar. | --- | Neuronlink: An Integrated Brain-Machine | 5th International Conference on Communication and Information Processing (ICCIP-2023) | International Conference on Communication and Information Processing (ICCIP- 2023) | International | 2022-23 |
160 | Vaibhavi Avachat | --- | A Review: Intrusion Dectection System by Machine Learning | 5th International Conference on Communication and Information Processing (ICCIP-2023) | International Conference on Communication and Information Processing (ICCIP- 2023) | International | 2022-23 |
161 | Prasad Dhore | --- | Brave Block: User Authenticator | 5th International Conference on Communication and Information Processing (ICCIP-2023) | International Conference on Communication and Information Processing (ICCIP- 2023) | International | 2022-23 |
162 | Vijay Darade | --- | Automatic Hand Brake | 5th International Conference on Communication and Information Processing (ICCIP-2023) | International Conference on Communication and Information Processing (ICCIP- 2023) | International | 2022-23 |
163 | Priyanka Vyas | --- | Advancements in Data Ingestion and Processing Using Hadoop | 5th International Conference on Communication and Information Processing (ICCIP-2023) | International Conference on Communication and Information Processing (ICCIP- 2023) | International | 2022-23 |
164 | Komal Rajgude | --- | Pyro Alert: Fire Detection Using Computer Vision and Alert System | 5th International Conference on Communication and Information Processing (ICCIP-2023) | International Conference on Communication and Information Processing (ICCIP- 2023) | International | 2022-23 |
165 | Dr.Prasad Dhore | --- | A Study on Skin Disease Detection and Hospital Recommendation System | 5th International Conference on Communication and Information Processing (ICCIP-2023) | International Conference on Communication and Information Processing (ICCIP- 2023) | International | 2022-23 |
166 | Kavita Jadhav | --- | Predicting Stock Market Trends with Machine Learning: A Comprehensive Study | 5th International Conference on Communication and Information Processing (ICCIP-2023) | International Conference on Communication and Information Processing (ICCIP- 2023) | International | 2022-23 |
167 | Dhammjyoti Dhawase | --- | Emotion Detection using Deep Learning | 5th International Conference on Communication and Information Processing (ICCIP-2023) | International Conference on Communication and Information Processing (ICCIP- 2023) | International | 2022-23 |
168 | Tejaswini Zope | --- | Heart Disease Prediction using Machine Learning | 5th International Conference on Communication and Information Processing (ICCIP-2023) | International Conference on Communication and Information Processing (ICCIP- 2023) | International | 2022-23 |
169 | Dipamala Chaudhari | --- | Crime Examination and Forecasting Using Machine Learning | 5th International Conference on Communication and Information Processing (ICCIP-2023) | International Conference on Communication and Information Processing (ICCIP- 2023) | International | 2022-23 |
170 | Archana Yewale | --- | Artificial Intelligence (Recent Advances and Future Directions or Healthcare) | 5th International Conference on Communication and Information Processing (ICCIP-2023) | International Conference on Communication and Information Processing (ICCIP- 2023) | International | 2022-23 |
171 | H S Gore | --- | Fire Surveillance System Using Wi-Fi | 5th International Conference on Communication and Information Processing (ICCIP-2023) | International Conference on Communication and Information Processing (ICCIP- 2023) | International | 2022-23 |
172 | Tejaswini Zope | --- | Blockchain Based NFT Marketplace | 5th International Conference on Communication and Information Processing (ICCIP-2023) | International Conference on Communication and Information Processing (ICCIP- 2023) | International | 2022-23 |
173 | Vaibhavi Avachat | --- | Chat-GPT An AI Chatbot | 5th International Conference on Communication and Information Processing (ICCIP-2023) | International Conference on Communication and Information Processing (ICCIP- 2023) | International | 2022-23 |
174 | Ajit Kashid | --- | Cyber Security Threats to Watch Out | 5th International Conference on Communication and Information Processing (ICCIP-2023) | International Conference on Communication and Information Processing (ICCIP- 2023) | International | 2022-23 |
175 | Ankush. S. Patil | --- | Metaverse Unleashed: The Next Frontier of Digital Reality | 5th International Conference on Communication and Information Processing (ICCIP-2023) | International Conference on Communication and Information Processing (ICCIP- 2023) | International | 2022-23 |
176 | Vaibhavi Avchat | --- | A Review Paper on: Internet of Things | 5th International Conference on Communication and Information Processing (ICCIP-2023) | International Conference on Communication and Information Processing (ICCIP- 2023) | International | 2022-23 |
177 | Shailendra More | --- | Face Detection Based Vehicle Ignition System | 5th International Conference on Communication and Information Processing (ICCIP-2023) | International Conference on Communication and Information Processing (ICCIP- 2023) | International | 2022-23 |
178 | Mujahid Shaikh | --- | Anti-Sleep Alarm System for Vehicle | 5th International Conference on Communication and Information Processing (ICCIP-2023) | International Conference on Communication and Information Processing (ICCIP- 2023) | International | 2022-23 |
179 | B.S.Pawar. | --- | Gear Throttle Lock for Motorcycle | 5th International Conference on Communication and Information Processing (ICCIP-2023) | International Conference on Communication and Information Processing (ICCIP- 2023) | International | 2022-23 |
180 | Anil Yadav | --- | A Review: Rack and Pinion Automatic Gate | 5th International Conference on Communication and Information Processing (ICCIP-2023) | International Conference on Communication and Information Processing (ICCIP- 2023) | International | 2022-23 |
181 | Ankush.S. Patil | --- | A Review: Design, Analysis & Optimization of Battery-Operated Swing Arm Two-Way Sprayer | 5th International Conference on Communication and Information Processing (ICCIP-2023) | International Conference on Communication and Information Processing (ICCIP- 2023) | International | 2022-23 |
182 | Mujahid Shaikh | --- | Sanitary Pads Incinerator Machine | 5th International Conference on Communication and Information Processing (ICCIP-2023) | International Conference on Communication and Information Processing (ICCIP- 2023) | International | 2022-23 |
183 | Archana Yewale | --- | The Evolution of Computers Sudarshan | 5th International Conference on Communication and Information Processing (ICCIP-2023) | International Conference on Communication and Information Processing (ICCIP- 2023) | International | 2022-23 |
184 | Bhimrao Pandurao Gaikwad | --- | Review Paper of Integration and Its Uses in Daily Life | 5th International Conference on Communication and Information Processing (ICCIP-2023) | International Conference on Communication and Information Processing (ICCIP- 2023) | International | 2022-23 |
185 | Mukund Kharde | --- | Design Of Effective Controllers Using Pfc Super Lift Converter for Fed BLDC Motor | 5th International Conference on Communication and Information Processing (ICCIP-2023) | International Conference on Communication and Information Processing (ICCIP- 2023) | International | 2022-23 |
186 | Archana Yewale | --- | Personal Finance | 5th International Conference on Communication and Information Processing (ICCIP-2023) | International Conference on Communication and Information Processing (ICCIP- 2023) | International | 2022-23 |
187 | Vikas Yadav | --- | Design Modifications Techniques Used in Microchannel Heat Sink for Heat Transfer Augmentation | 5th International Conference on Communication and Information Processing (ICCIP-2023) | International Conference on Communication and Information Processing (ICCIP- 2023) | International | 2022-23 |
188 | Dr. Prasannata Ramtirthe | --- | Consequences And Solutions of Deforestation: India | 5th International Conference on Communication and Information Processing (ICCIP-2023) | International Conference on Communication and Information Processing (ICCIP- 2023) | International | 2022-23 |
189 | Vaibhavi Avachat | --- | Renewable energy resource | 5th International Conference on Communication and Information Processing (ICCIP-2023) | International Conference on Communication and Information Processing (ICCIP- 2023) | International | 2022-23 |
190 | Vijay Darade | --- | Design Development and Review of Electrical Trainer Kit | 5th International Conference on Communication and Information Processing (ICCIP-2023) | International Conference on Communication and Information Processing (ICCIP- 2023) | International | 2022-23 |
191 | Anil Yadav | --- | Study of Optimization Process -Taguchi Method | 5th International Conference on Communication and Information Processing (ICCIP-2023) | International Conference on Communication and Information Processing (ICCIP- 2023) | International | 2022-23 |
192 | Mukund Kharde | --- | Advance Tool Management for Smart Factory | 5th International Conference on Communication and Information Processing (ICCIP-2023) | International Conference on Communication and Information Processing (ICCIP- 2023) | International | 2022-23 |
193 | Vaibhavi Avchat | --- | Electric Vehicles : An Overview of Technology, Environmental Impact and Market Trends | 5th International Conference on Communication and Information Processing (ICCIP-2023) | International Conference on Communication and Information Processing (ICCIP- 2023) | International | 2022-23 |
194 | Subhash Khetre | --- | A Review of Tribological Performance of Jatropha Instead of Synthetic Oils Using Journal Bearing Tester | 5th International Conference on Communication and Information Processing (ICCIP-2023) | International Conference on Communication and Information Processing (ICCIP- 2023) | International | 2022-23 |
195 | Bhimrao Gaikwad | --- | A study of Fuzzylogic in Cognitive Sciences | 5th International Conference on Communication and Information Processing (ICCIP-2023) | International Conference on Communication and Information Processing (ICCIP- 2023) | International | 2022-23 |
196 | Prem Kolle | --- | Studying History with VR | 5th International Conference on Communication and Information Processing (ICCIP-2023) | International Conference on Communication and Information Processing (ICCIP- 2023) | International | 2022-23 |